Sunday, April 1, 2007

My first blog!

Hello and welcome to my blogsite! I imagine that what I write may come across as a bit clumsy until I get the hang of this, however please bare with me through my growing pains (and poor spelling ability) as I'm sure that It will only get better.

I would also like to say here that it is very important to me that the reader not take what I say as fact, expert testimony, or the ramblings of a wanna-be know it all, but rather as an opportunity for me to organize my thoughts and experiences on the given subject matter to better understand the subject its self. I also hope that this blog may do the same for you.

I fully believe that you can only work with what you have and try to pick up more along the way. With this in mind, please understand that what I write about is only from my understanding of the subject as I am writing the post, and I may very well look at things differently after I have had some time to experience and learn more. If you visit this blog after not having been here for some time and there appears to be no new entries, take the time, if you have any interest, to scan the posts, as I may have re- written parts of it to reflect a new understanding of the subject. This blog, like me, is a work in progress.

If you disagree with anything in one of my post, or you think that I could have added something to it, or you just want to have a discussion on the subject, write me a comment and I will be more than happy to have dialogue with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Blog, you write quite well. Nice easy to read layou. Keep it up, I am looking forward to your articles.